[dp] versus NK

Two teams of 3 players per Clan

CTF: 3 games (map08,11,19 zdctfmp/2)
Freelook ON, Jumping ON, Flaglimit 5, Timelimt 15 minutes.

TDM: 3 games (map01 dwango6)
Freelook ON, Jumping ON, Friendly Fire ON, NO BFG, Fraglimit 50, NO Timelimit.

Unfortunately, NK only had 3 out of their promised 6 players available at the settled time. We then formed one common team of 3, and the war continued as planned, but with less players.
We apologize to our other members, who haven't been able to play.

Clans [dp] and NK consider this to be a warm-up battle. A bigger clanwar will follow.


[dp] 15 - 0 NK
(5 - 0)
(5 - 0)
(5 - 0)

142 - 132
(42 - 50)
(50 - 49)
(50 - 33)

Good games :)